Friday, May 30, 2008

Prozac Fridays

While still in the working force, these were Payday Fridays. We had treats in the teacher's lounge for breakfast, were allowed to wear jeans (which, unfortunately, brought out more "Mom jeans" than anyone should have to see in their lifetime)...we got our paychecks (major yay!), and overall people were just in a good mood. It was Friday.

In my domestic life as a mom, Fridays are just as utopian. Especially the PAYDAY ones.
But here are my reasons why:
1. The relaxation on my diet begins
2. Brian usually gets off work a little early
3. Meijer!
4. The McLaughlin Group
5. Catching up on DVR over drinks with Brian
6. Not worrying about the craziness of the next day, as I know it's family time.
7. If we haven't already made plans with friends, etc...we usually start to by noon.
8. Jersey Junction and being able to partake (see #1)

Basically I just seem to always be in a good mood on Fridays. I'm especially grateful today, as well, because Brian's trip to San Francisco was cancelled, and he would've been leaving Sunday night.
Someday I'll blog about how sacred Sundays are to me.

It's been a good week, and I guess in the spirit of true Friday delirium and my insatiable love of are the things I'm most grateful for today:
1. Everything in the first list in this post
2. Benjamin feeling better
3. Rain for my flowers out front...and my weeds out back
4. Benjamin's awesome report from the nursery this morning
5. Fun time with new friends over Indian food last night
6. Finally feeling content about Benjamin's refusal to potty'll come, I know
7. Our decision to join Orchard Hills Swim Club
8. The MAC--no matter how many other fabulous clubs, with great amenities and enticing offers, sprout up around Grand Rapids, this place will always be home to me.
9. My mom, and the unique balance of fun and discipline she's able to provide my boys...
10. My dad, and his love for trapping raccoons (if you're a member of PETA...just kiss my ass already. it's my blog.)

I'd like to elaborate on numbers 8 and 9.
I spend so much of my time at the MAC, and not a day goes by that I don't realize how much I'm grateful for it...Brian recently told me that whenever I leave for the MAC and I tell him how long I'll be, he always adds on about 45 minutes in his head, since I'm always running into someone and chatting. The social outlet is one of my favorite qualities of the club, but I think the history my family has there is just as much a part of my loyalty. And aside from the occasional debacle with Miss Sue, the nursery workers are some of the most understanding and nurturing women I know.
My mom. There are many reasons I'm grateful for her...that's more than just another blog entry. But when it comes to my boys, I'm reminded so often of how crucial her influence is in their lives. We ran into her at The MAC this morning (yet another reason we love it!) and she decided, last minute, to whisk Benjamin off for lunch at McDonald's, and topped it off with an impromptu trip to Toys R Us.
Talk about lucky kid.
But what I love more than anything, is that she can do things like this and still not be spoiling him. Somehow she manages to balance it with the right amount of discipline and perspective. There's a reason why B still freaks out over McD's...after the countless times she's taken him there. She makes it special without going overboard...and a trip to Toys R Us becomes a virtual trip to Disney. Benjamin practically hurls himself through the mudroom door when they return, SO excited about the generic, plastic ball he just got. I'm sure there will come a day when the toys will become more elaborate, and the simple ones will not as easily suffice...but for now, I'm just glad he's not blowing snot all over himself because he can't take home 5 Thomas trains.
What I'm most grateful for in this example, is the sense that he has when he's with my mom. He knows he's special and practically the most important thing to her at that very moment...but he also knows he has limits. Case in point, when he came home a few hours ago, after his bonanza of a morning with Nana...I was bracing myself for the inevitable "fun detox" that I'd have to put him through in order to get the nap to happen.
But when I told him it was time for his nap, he simply announced that "Nana said I could park two cars next to me when I go to sleep"...and with that, he lumbered off towards the stairs.
Thanks, Mom.:)
Thanks for not making me the bad guy...but for being a partner.
And get ready...Jonny's not going to be as easy...but you already knew that, right?

Anyway, I suppose that's enough hearts and flowers for today.

I promise there's some piss and vineger brewing below the surface...always is.
I'll see about sharing it sometime real soon.
You know, just to save my rep.


Ann said...

nice is all about the balance right....piss and vinegar with daisies and sunshine....weekday diets and weekend and direction...the best part...the people we get to share the balance, parents, friends...hmmm I think I just posted a whole blog entry on your blog :-) Happy almost weekend!

Dina said...

Nicely put! A few thoughts:

1) I'm so glad Benjamin is feeling better.

2) I love you guys and your Friday nights. Just love it and love the tradition you've made with each other, just the two of you. Until we come and crash the party on your anniversary, but that's a different story... :)

3) I've said it before and I'll say it again - your mom is one of a kind. I know you already recognize this, but you and your boys (all 3 of them!) are so lucky to have her! Please tell her I said hello. :)

4) Have a great weekend!

5) As opposed to Ann's "bloggy" comment, mine lends itself to an email - no? :)