Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Keeping perspective

It's what I am grateful for, each and every day. Some days it's easier to find than others, and yesterday was no exception. For once I shall spare my readers the narrative of all that drove me INSANE yesterday. I plan to commit those details to Momm-ory (a place where shitty memories of mommyhood are stored).
Rather, I just want to express my thanks to the following that got me through my day:
1. My coffeepot--you never disappoint.
2. The weather--outstanding.
3. My street--for Katie, her perspective, her coffee (second cup) and yesterday...her bathroom.
4. The trail by our house--you, too, shall never disappoint.
5. My new washer and dryer
6. Yoga class
7. Shopping at The Green Life--new store right next to From the Heart (yoga center)
8. Impromptu girl time with Sarah, and only having to stop home long enough to get vodka
9. Sarah's sofa chair
10. Time with Brian when I got home...I know my mother in law reads this, so I shall stop there!
Obviously there are plenty of outlets at my disposal to cleanse myself of the ucky days.
I'm grateful for that.
And on a random side note?
Totally excited about seeing Obama tonight!!!


Dina said...

You're going to see OBAMA?! Details, bitch, details!

I'm jealous.

Dina said...

p.s. Congrats on the new washer/dryer. Will this mean that The Lewins won't have to sleep on a wet basement carpet next time we visit The Richards?
Hehe, j/k...sort of. :)

Ann said...

good list...where are you seeing Obama?

Ann said... more and Dina must be channeling the same blog brain and little boy butts is the theme!!! So cute!

Megz said...

I was thinking the same thing about the blog picture today, Ann.:)

Obama's at the Van Andel at 7pm...heading down there with Sarah at 4:30...some others will have gone ahead at that point. Hoping to meet up with them, and HOPING to get in!
Opportunity of a lifetime.

Dina said...

Good luck this afternoon - I am keeping my fingers crossed for you guys! I hope you'll have the energy and time to give us a complete update on the experience tonight/tomorrow, should you get in. How exciting!
p.s. And yes - how funny about the butt pics!