Thursday, February 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Benjamin Davis!!! dear, sweet Benjamin Davis.

I don't even know where to begin...I just want to let you kno w that the last three years have been the best of my life thus far. When I think about the way you came into this world, and how our relationship developed in those early's so telling about the person you are.

Wise, highly sensitive, alert, cautious...and slow to warm up to the world around you.

But once you are comfortable, a light turns on...and everything around you is illumintated brighter than it has ever been before. You make people smile and laugh with your unbridled enthusiasm and utterly unique sense of humor...and day by day, I am watching you grow into an unusually outgoing, accepting, and gentle young boy.

I am so proud of who you are.

You are truly an extraordinary, beautiful child...and I love you more than you'll ever know.

Happy birthday, sweet boy.

Monday, February 25, 2008

New Sheets...

...that's about all the "good" I got to report today.

I'm sick...coughing up a storm, blowing my nose, and just recently...running to the toilet. Lovely. Great stuff to blog about.
But just thought I'd pop on here to hang my "be right back" shingle on the door.
Cause as soon as I can muster the energy, I will!

Oh, but yes--our new sheets are delicious.
And as soon as I feel better, Brian, myself and Lionel will be dancin in them.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Things I am currently very excited about...

in no particular order:

1. the sun being out this week and daydreaming about spring

2. finally--interesting topics on the tired old political shows we watch

3. Barack Obama

4. Michelle Obama

5. my new spinning shoes

6. my SUPER snazzy new yoga mat (thank you, Brian!)

7. writers' strike being over

8. Denise's bachelorette party

9. Benjamin's insistence on my putting him to bed...plg.

10. going the GR theatre--Grease was AMAZING!

11. Pandora website

12. sushi and champagne with friends on Saturday

13. margaritas tonight (it is Friday, after all, Sarah C.!)

14. buying new sheets for our bed

15. gearing up for Benjamin's bday party

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Also PLG???

John McCain's wife.
Has anyone else noticed her? I do realize Brian and I are unusually plugged in to political coverage...but you can't have seen McCain speak at all without noticing his wife in the background. She reminds me of an alien...more specifically, the ones from that cheesey 80's sitcom "V".
Dude, check her out.
You'll totally get it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Since most of the blog entries running through my head these days almost ALWAYS consist of PLG are the faves from the last two days:

1. Benjamin playing basketball in the mudroom with his LittleTikes hoop and cheering himself on..."Oh, I'm so very good at this!"

2. Jonathan bending over in the kitchen to scoop up one box of Pasta Roni under one arm, and a box of mac n cheese under the other arm...standing up with a grunt, and lumbering off toward the dining room...totally laughing at himself the whole time. Of course, the deliberate placing down of the boxes under the dining table is even more PLG.

3. While on the treadmill this morning, my glancing over to see Miss Marlee ushering the KidFit troops back to the nursery from the gym...bunch of little heads bobbin, and near the back of the line, I see Benjamin's big brown mess of hair. He has that "hook in the corner of the mouth" smile goin on...totally down with the program and wonderin what's comin next.

4. My love for Kirkland wipes.

5. Jonny's pudding extravaganza after lunch today. Smeared all over his tray, splattered on the cabinet walls, covering his face. And that toothy grin beaming at me.

6. Brian leaving at 4:30am this morning for the airport...and totally being upbeat and chipper when he says goodbye.

7. My ponytail during BodyPump this morning that hasn't been touched since I got out of the bath with Benjamin last night.

8. Jonathan sitting on the couch, leafing through his Little Einstein book that makes sounds...and giggling hysterically each time he fires off the "rocket" noise.

9. Benjamin looking at me during his dinner last night and annoucing, ever so simply, "I love you, Mommy."

10. Both boys in the car butt-early this morning, barely having had breakfast, barely in regular clothes and coats...laughing and playing in the backseat on the way to the gym. PLG is the fact that they have no idea where they're going, really, and it doesn't matter to them.


(edited to add a half hour later)

11. Jonathan's pudding smudges all over his torso (how?), under his chin...and even in his nose: pudding boogers.

12. The Boca burger I've set aside in the freezer to bring to Sarah's later for Jonny's dinner. PLG kid, so many allergies.

13. My indecision between collapsing on the couch or taking a shower...and the outloud mantra I use to rev myself up for the shower. "You can do it, gotta do it...stay awake...keep it movin..."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Very Happy Valentine's Day

I have been such a slacker on this blog lately...just busy with all kinds of stuff, but here I am, back with my sweetest little Valentines.:)
Only one missing is my Brian. He just got home from the MAC...but with a bouguet of red roses and a peppermint mocha from 'Bucks. Love him!!!

Enough for now.
Breakfast in motion, then a Valentine's party at Ms. Margaret's...B and I made cookies for it last night. So cute! Pictures to come, I hope.

Happy Valentine's Day blog buddies!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Don't forget the garbageman...

Well, it's 2pm and it's already been quite an eventful, educational and enlightening day for us.

It started with us (myself and the boys, Brian's out of town) waking up to a freezing cold house. It's always cold in Brian's and my room, so I didn't truly notice it until I went into Jonny's room...he was in relatively ok spirits, but seemed a tad bit ticked off about something. And holy shit...when I changed his diaper, his FEET were like blocks of ice.:(
So I quickly got him put in some super warm socks and comfy Benjamin dressed the same, fed them steaming hot oatmeal, and hurried through half a pot of coffee for myself (had it preset from the night that!).
The boys ate breakfast while I watched a brief bit of news on MSNBC...had to get caught up on last night's returns...but by the time I finished my own hot coffee and oatmeal, I realized how seriously fucking cold it was in our house.
And I went to get Jonny out of his highchair...and noticed his lips were getting a funny shade of BLUE.
So, off we went out the door to the MAC. Gratefully, their heat was working just fine. The boys played happily in the nursery while I went to Body Pump, and then even had time for some cardio. In the meantime, I'd put a call into our heating guy (we've known him since our days in our old house, so I was comfy leaving the side door open for him) and was hoping he was working away on our furnace while I sweat it out to Eminem on the elliptical. No one gets it done like Slim Shady, it's all I'm saying.
Anyway, I go get the boys and see that it's now BLIZZARDING like a Steven King movie outside, and we have to hit the pediatrician's office in 15 minnies. Forgot to mention that we had a visit scheduled for Jonny C...I was convinced that he had yet another ear infection. Boy has been on me like flypaper lately, and fussy as HELL. Plus he'd just gotten over a cold, so I was more than certain the poor little dude's ear was totally effed.

We brace ourselves against the cold...the boys in their gear, me in my coat and workout SHORTS...and literally walk at a slant to make our way against the windy blizzard to our car. I'm buckling Jonny in, who now has boogers making their way across his pink, frozen cheek...and glance each way for Benjamin. I don't see him immediately, but within a few seconds see the tips of his snow hat bobbing up and down in front of the hood of the car. The snow is seriously blowing so hard that he doesn't hear me when I call to I get Jonny buckled, shut his door, and hurry to the front of the car (did I mention I was in shorts?), where Benjamin's making snow angels in the parking lot.
Hilarious, yes, but holy hell...I was fucking cold. And the snow was now piling up in my ponytail so thick I looked like I was wearing a Bea Arthur wig.
I manage to coax Benjamin into the car with promises of suckers at Dr. Brown's office.
He's pumped.

We get to the doctor's office, and it's more of the same getting out of the car...hats and mittens are off again, so we do the whole ordeal out in the car before walking the short trek to the front door.
"Thumbs in the thumb spot, here we go!" Benjamin's a song I made up for the "getting ready to go outside" process. But at this moment I'm wanting to adjust the lyrics to something a bit more fitting:
"Put your fucking hands in your mittens, thumbs be damned...we're gettin the F outta the car!"

Have you ever (if you're a mom) been in the waiting room of the ped's office, and some frazzled mom blows in with her kids--who aren't dressed properly for the weather--and you just know whatever's transpired for them in the last half hour, it wasn't anything good....?!?
Well, that was us.
I was managing, despite the conditions, to sing with the boys, so as to keep their spirits level and upbeat. But when we bust into the waiting room, me singing "We're off to see the doctor!" (sung to "We're off to see the wizard!"), Benjamin marching proudly in front, coat on, but totally unzipped...hat on, but gloves dropping--one by one, like afterthoughts--to the ground as he walks in the room...Jonny riding my hip, directing the orchestra in the air with one hand...and me, still wearing the Bea Arthur wig, wearing a coat...but no hat or gloves...and workout shorts......I got just a few looks from the flock of moms in the waiting room.
Not that I took much time to pay attention, though.

We got through the visit pretty well, actually. Dr. Brown confirmed that I am, in fact, a total lunatic...because Jonny's ears are fine. But turns out he is cutting his bi-cuspids (wherever the hell those are) right now, and one just broke through in the last few days, so it's no wonder the little dudes been in the dumper.
Lollies and stickers--and one fabulous copay--later...we're back in the car, on our way home.
But I have to pee, and I haven't heard back yet from the heating guy.

So we swing by my parents and I run inside to pee...leaving the boys in the car, Dan Zanes blaring and lollies being smeared on cheeks and noses. My dad's in the office on the computer, having a "sick day" and looks at me with pity as I flail into the bathroom in my shorts. I reference these again, because as minutes go on, I'm seriously starting to feel like a total asshole in them.
Did I mention I'd stopped for gas on the way to the doctor's office?
Yeah, timed that empty tank perfectly. Just when the wig had started to melt...a fresh layer.

I receive a call from the heating guy, who says he'll be there in a half hour. So I decide to swing through the Bucks drivethru (boys are, at this point, relatively content). I get a hot tea, chocky-milky for Benjamin...and some milk for Jonathan.
Jonathan promptly takes his sippy of fresh, organic, vanilla milk (what was I thinking?) and dumps it on the ground. Benjamin works about the first 1/3 of his chocky milk box...and hands it to Jonny, who turns it upside down and empties it, little bursts at a time, all over himself and the back seat.
This makes him he starts to cry.
So I start to sing his favorite lullaby, and Benjamin starts yelling above me, saying "Mommy!!! I wanna talk to you!!!"
This is his latest way of staging a protest. Whenever I'm talking, or Brian's talking, or anyone he wants attention from is talking (or in this case, singing)...he demands we immediately "talk" to him.
But when I ask him what he wants to talk about, it's the usual:
"I wanna talk you, Mommy. Stop _____." And this time, it was the singing.
So I stop, and Jonny starts to wail again.

Just a few more blocks, and we're home.
By now, Jonathan is seriously red-faced and pissed off. Face covered with snot. We trudge out of the car into the house...and there's no heat. Heating guy has not arrived, has not been already...and it's time for lunch and naps.
I crank the oven up to 450degrees--for heat only.
And suddenly I feel like the Ingalls family. I'm wishing for a wood-burning stove. Or better yet, a fireplace I actually knew how to use (gotta get that one figured out).
We make it through lunch, and the heating guy (today it's Jeff, the brother of our usual guy, Scott) finally arrives....seems he got lost in our neighborhood, since all of the street signs are covered in snow.

Jeff makes his way to the basement, stopping for a required interrogation with Benjamin, who puts the poor man through a littany of questions, all the while perched on his barstool at the island, eating a quesadilla like he's the first 2yr old ever to do this.
Jeff obliges him and heads downstairs.
By now I'm holding an extremely whiny Jonathan on my hip, who is PAST DUE for a nap, but I can't put him down until there's heat in his know, our being out of snowmobile suits at that moment.

Within seconds...literally, seconds...Jeff calls up to me:
"Hey Meg? I think I found your problem..."
Having only taken seconds, I'm bracing myself for the worst. Clearly all he needed was two seconds to see how severely screwed up our furnace was...something of that nature.
But no.
"Are you aware of the on/off switch on the side of your furnace?" he asks me.
"Well, looks like it's been flipped off."
I go down there, Jonny on hip, to investigate. Said "switch" is right at a certain 2yr old's height.
Hmmm. (insert wry smiley guy here)

"Well, Jeff?" I say. "Looks like you got to travel here from Hudsonville today in some of the worst weather we've had all fix the latest of Dennice the Menace's tricks."

He's fine with it, even laughs...but I'm embarrassed as hell. I usually keep on top of our "utilities", since I'm almost always the one who deals with the service people during daytime house calls.
Scratch that.
Not almost. It is me, every time.
So why did I not KNOW this about our furnace?
I have him give me a tutorial in how to diagnose problems---ranging from pilot light, ignition your basic, run of the mill SWITCH on the side of the furnace. He even goes through how to read the light on the inside, all of it's signals, etc.
By the time he leaves. I'm a total heating and cooling pro.

And there's quesadilla smeared all over my kitchen island. But whatever...the heat is on!
I get both boys down for naps and marvel at the mess in my kitchen. I'm hardly able to get Benjamin to sleep for all of the "Jeff" excitement.
I hear him, upstairs in his crib, talking himself to sleep.
"Man came overrrr...and fixed cold machine. And Jonny warm again!!! Man funny."

Kid you not.

And so, as I clean up the kitchen...I'm awarded my first quiet moment of the day...and decide to be grateful for how solvable my problems really are/were today. The gritty moments of my day today really were hilarious, if nothing else. And just think how unfortunate it would truly be if I wasn't able to get heat at all in our house.:(

So I start cleaning up the kitchen and see the garbage men through our tv room window, one street away. They'll be at our house any minute. And I think about how grateful I am that I'M NOT out hauling garbage in this weather! Or delivering mail, anything outdoors like that. So I quickly make some yummy hot chocolate, put it in a travel mug, and surprise the hell outta the garbage man when he comes up our driveway.
I'm pretty sure he wanted to hurl when he tasted the sugar-free swiss miss cocoa...but the thought sure put a smile on his red, chapped cheeks.:)

It's the little things that make a difference, right?
Happy faces eating oatmeal in a kitchen so cold you could hang meat...
Body Pump classes...
Coldplay on my ipod...
Boys giggling at my singing in the pediatrician's parking lot, even though their eyelashes are frozen...
Switches on furnaces...
and hot cocoa.
Shitty hot cocoa, but hot cocoa nonetheless.

And my blog.:)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, Clare-Bear!!!

My dear, wonderfully bright niece, Bear,
You will always be special for being my first niece...and the very first baby to join the Hankins family. Times spent with you are always a joy, and have, over the past 5 years, including moments of adoration, hilarity, and awe as I've watched you grow into a young girl. I'm so glad you're my niece! I wanted to include some of my favorite pictures--mostly of times spent with you. In recent years our "alone time" has significantly decreased with the addition of your sister and my two has sure gotten busy! So these pictures are a tribute to those early, precious days when you were new to all of us...and for me, personally, they are days I'll always treasure. You probably don't remember any of them, but I hope on some level you know in your heart how much I've loved you from the very start!