Friday, February 22, 2008

Things I am currently very excited about...

in no particular order:

1. the sun being out this week and daydreaming about spring

2. finally--interesting topics on the tired old political shows we watch

3. Barack Obama

4. Michelle Obama

5. my new spinning shoes

6. my SUPER snazzy new yoga mat (thank you, Brian!)

7. writers' strike being over

8. Denise's bachelorette party

9. Benjamin's insistence on my putting him to bed...plg.

10. going the GR theatre--Grease was AMAZING!

11. Pandora website

12. sushi and champagne with friends on Saturday

13. margaritas tonight (it is Friday, after all, Sarah C.!)

14. buying new sheets for our bed

15. gearing up for Benjamin's bday party

1 comment:

Dina said...

Damn girl, sushi and champagne??? Boy did we pick the wrong weekend to come into town! Just kidding - have a great time! Who are the lucky friends? Are you celebrating anything in particular? I'm envious!!! :)