Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Operation Potty Training in full effect in our house today...wish us luck!

We have big boy pants.
We have wipes at the ready.
We have extra pairs of shorts handy.
We have M and Ms.
And BEST of all...we have a POSITIVE attitude!!!

So far Benjamin's peed (though this isn't a new thing) on the potty...and is pretty excited about himself for it, as I made the world's biggest deal out of it.:)
And Ms. Katie (neighbor) has promised a treat at her house "for big boys who go poop on the potty" when he accomplishes that next major feat!

So adorable.
I know the most difficult, and *messy* part, is yet to come...but for some reason this is all very exciting.

Some day soon I'll update with more exciting stuff, like pics and stories from our last couple of weeks!


Ann said...

Go Big Boy Benjamin!!!

Sarah said...

First two weeks...not so fun.
Next two weeks...not so bad!
One month from now...you are golden!
Good luck - you can do this!! :)