Thursday, October 25, 2007


What an incredible kid.
I absolutely love this child...and while it's impossible to be objective here, I dare say he's one of the most hysterical kids I know.
Miss Margaret's class was today and we had such a ball...made and painted our own apples with various forms of toddler media--his favorite, of course, was the paint. Thank heavens it was washable paint, though, as he decided to test out the glorious shade of red on his new pair of Merrells.
We also made our own applesauce, which was by far his favorite part of today's class..."Mommy! See apples in blender! Go, go, go apples!!"
But my favorite moment...easily my favorite moment, I'll add...was at the end of class.

A bit of background:
Brian and his sister Denise have, for years, always used this ridiculously funny voice whenever they say the name of their Aunt Barb. You know, just one of those silly sibling things you quote certain movies. It's a relic from their growing-up years together, and with the addition of myself to the family, it's become a real staple in our fits of laughter together.
Here's how you say it: you draw your uppler lip down and under your teeth, do the same in reverse order with your lower lip...then press your mouth together real tight and blurt out "Bbbbarrrrrb!"....though it really sounds more like "Baaayyyyyaahhhrrrb".
Seriously? Sounds ridic. And it is...but it's damn funny in person, and once you get the hang of it, it's surprisingly addictive.
The other day Brian and I were, yet again, practicing this in the kitchen...and Benjamin thought it was the most hilarious thing he'd heard. So he practiced several times on his own, before putting his own unique spin on it. And by this, I mean he chose a new name: Miss Margaret.
So, for Benjamin, the ultimate funny and hilarious thing to say in this house is, "Miss Muuurrrrgaaaruuuuut!"...with his face all contorted--mouth pursed, nostrils wide open, and eyes like quarters. It's hysterical.
Unbelievably ridiculous...but funny as hell.

So! Today, when we were getting ready to leave class, I leaned down and said "What do you say to Miss Margaret, Benjamin?"...the way I do at the end of every class.
He takes a few steps toward her, throws his shoulders back, chest forward, tilts his head up to the sky, and declares proudly--"Thank you, Miss MURRGAAARRRUUUUUUUUTTTT!"

I almost wet myself.


Dina said...


In all of our times and laughs together, how has Aunt Barb escaped from making an appearance? I mean really. I'm shocked, but look forward to getting the formal introduction next time we meet! :)

Ann said...

Second Dina's SO FUNNY!

First...I found myself trying to follow your instructions in my office on how to form my lips...thank goodness I had my door open and could not say it outloud. Second....I also think that Brian or your Aunt Barb impression has escaped from any outings that included too much for Thanksgiving it must be performed....Finally...Can't wait to see B in person to ask him about Miss Margaret!

Sarah said...

Hahahaha...dying!! Dying of laughter over here and working on my "BARB" daily, as we have a neighbor named "BAAAAARRRYYYYBRA." But the neighbors kind of look at my funny when I do it...

Megz said...

I love how much you've enjoyed this.:)
Dina/Ann--I, too, cannot believe Aunt Barb hasn't made her way into our moments of hilarity...Brian and I shall change that ASAP!
Sarah--You know you're already a fellow "Baayyyrrryyyb" were a quick study on this one. I remember!