Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This is how we will always welcome Fall...

...by celebrating J's birthday.:)

Meant to post more of these a few days ago, but time got the better of me. At any rate, here are some highlights from his birthday--our time at Kootsier's Nursery, as well as some cake madness with Nana and Papa.

As long as I can remember (until a year ago, anyway), the onset of fall has always meant that my birthday was fast approaching...my day. I've always loved my birthday...and, don't get me wrong, I always will. I was the one who threw myself my own birthday party while living in Chicago, at the mere possibility of going one year unrecognized (please...give this girl some kids already to shift the focus...I'm sayin).

But after my little Jonathan came on the scene...it's all different.

I still get excited about the usual things...changing colors of leaves, fall candle smells, pumpkins, cider, apple orchard trips...etc...but the only birthday I'll ever be super-duper-oh-so-excited about will be my little J's. My little smile factory.

God bless America he's cute.

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