Monday, September 10, 2007

Cloudy Monday

I'm loving the weather today...mainly for the cool "fall" chill in the air. Bring it! Both boys got to wear hoodies when we were out and about this morning...loved it.

Still battling a yucky cold, and have the kind of cramps that make me long for pregnancy...but only to a point.
Today's rendition of the Lunchtime Olympics got rid of that yearning in a hurry! Remind me not to give peaches to Jonny the same day I give him green beans...when the chunks are all mixed together in the highchair it makes me wanna hurl.
I swear, that highchair.
Constantly challenging my better domestic sensibilities.

Boys are both napping--hooray!

Exciting tale from this morning...
It happened right before lunch, so I'm going to chalk it up to pre-lunch-mania.
Benjamin decided to bite Jonathan's index finger...and hard. I was standing right there when it happened, and watched B's face work itself into this Incredible Hulk color of rage and redness...when he chomped down on J's poor little finger. Jonathan let out one big yelp, and then hit that famous 30second moment of silence before letting out a huge loud Brian came running upstairs from a call he'd been on. Benjamin immediately looked scared and freaked out, but I wasn't able to muster up very much sympathy for him at that point. I took advantage of Brian being in the room...handed J off to him and whisked Benjamin to "the step", where he immediately started bawling. I squatted down and said, in a super-fricking-I'mtotallyfuckingserious-voice, "we don't bite in this house...Benjamin?!?...we don't bite!"
It was all I could do not to say this in a scream...or even spank him. I was so pissed. Jonathan was still screaming and hysterical, and his finger had two ginormous pink dents in it.:(
I walked away and left B on the step and regained composure...went back to the step, knelt down again...and he looked at me with eyes big as quarters. I asked him if he knew why he was on the step, assuming he'd stare at my blankly...but he said, with total guilt in his voice, "I bite Jonny. Benjin bite Jonny. Saw-wee. Saw-wee, Mommy."
I wanted to was so genuine and sweet.
But instead I just said, in an even tone, "That's right, Bud. You bit Jonny, and that's why he's sad. You need to say sorry to him. We do not bite."
I'm still, as I type, thinking that I probably loaded him down with too many things to think about...but he got the main idea, I think. I walked him into the tv rooom, where Brian had since bailed on Jonathan and left him playing with his Leappad. Benjamin crouched down and said "Saw-wee, Jonny." I smiled approvingly at him, which clearly put a little pep in his step, because he decided to follow his apology up with: "Jonny big five?!?!" (this is what he says when he wants to do a "high five" with someone) and put his hand out, as if to high-five Jonanthan...and instead, got J sqauare on the forehead and knocked him over.
Poor Jonathan. He went through a lot this morning!

Lunch was, relatively speaking, far less exciting.
But that's a good thing.

I'm off to clean my kitchen and do some more laundry...good times.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Man, the second-borns get beaten' on. Tommy and Johnathon are going to be a couple of tough dudes!! Sounds like you did the right thing. :)