Monday, September 24, 2007


My boys love them. Add that to the ever-growing list of things I never imagined my children would enjoy...or much less, something that I'd LET them enjoy.
Whatever. They're both quiet right now as I clean up the post-lunch mess in the kitchen.

This honestly must be what circus janitors feel like after everyone leaves the show.

Anyway, today is a typical Monday in many ways...just trying to get back to normalcy after a busy weekend. We had Bright Beginnings over at Woodcliff this morning, which was great. Benjamin just loves that program, and really does well with it. He's even begun to get interested in the other activities (other than cars!), and I just know that Ms. Margaret's class has helped with that. Jonathan went down for a nap just as we were leaving the house this morning, so luckily he got to stay home while Daddy worked. He was still asleep when we returned, but woke up moments after...and so the three of us went for a walk. This was not the world's best idea, however, because Benjamin was more worn out from BB than I had realized, and halfway up Plymouth Ave decided he wanted me to carry him. I'd had Jonathan in the umbrella stroller while B was pushing his own baby stroller...which was not a great idea for a long walk. Anyway, after carrying B on my hip down San Lucia, part of Argentina, and the entire stretch of Santa Cruz....all the while pushing a hot, cranky and hungry Jonathan in the Maclaren...I was ready for naptime!
All things being equal, though...this was a very pleasant morning. And we ran into two of our high school (youth group) buddies, on break for lunch, so Benjamin thought this meant it was time to go to church. Kate (one of our fave kids) drove by in her car, slowing down to wave, and Benjamin yells out "Church??!!! Kidddsss???!!" Actually, the way he pronounces "kids" is "key-aaaddzzz".

Speaking of the key-aaadddzzzz from East, Friday night was quite the fun time. We started out at a tailgate up on Orchard at the Cavanaugh's house. The neighborhood gang (and kids) were all there, so it made for a really fun way to gear up for the game. The boys had a blast...and Dave and Kathy (they got into town right before we left) enjoyed meeting our friends. It actually went a lot better than I'd imagined.
So...back to the key-aaadddzzz.
After stuffing ourselves with lots of yummy food and drinks (thanks again for the 'ritas, Sarah!), we walked down the block to the high school field. On the way there I decide that the irony is ridiculous...I'm walking toward the EGR football field with a pretty healthy buzz...and it's the exact same way I went to my last EGR football game. Kinda drunk.
In 1992.
I'm mature.

We're walking into the game with both boys and the in-laws...and we see one of our youth group kids.
In a toga.
Clearly drunk.

Just one of those moments that Brian and I have, as "youth leaders"...where we are faced with the reality of these kids' lives. We know what kinds of things they're probably doing on weekends, etc., but sometimes it's just kinda strange to witness it.
And yes...I partied like it was my job by the time I was a senior in high school...but it's still strange to see these kids doing the same thing!
Also strange to realize that, as Brian and I are face to face with this "youth"...we're both pretty buzzed ourselves from green margaritas.
So I spend the first five minutes at the game mumbling into Brian's shoulder about how awkward it all which Brian says..." big deal. We're adults, we drink...and he/she is in high school...weren't you wasted at these games, too?"

Well, not wasted, Brian...but yeah. I saw his point.
Men are always so damn good at being objective, aren't they???

And yes, the game ended up being a blast. Benjamin had the time of his life! We saw lots of from youth group, friends of ours, friends of my parents...people I used to babysit for...enough folks to make my in-laws think we lived in Walnut Grove.
Benjamin absolutely adored watching the game, spending most of the time suspended to the chain fence that surrounds the field, his Grandpa standing on one side of him, and his Daddy on the other...all three watching the game intently. His expression never changed the entire time. Yet another PLG moment.

Saturday we went to the apple orchard with the boys and Brian's was a hit. Played outside, had lunch inside, watched the cider being made...etc. Such a great fall morning. And that evening we got Allie to come over so we could have dinner out with Dave and Kathy....and they treated us to sushi! It was a blast.

Sunday was a typical Sunday for us---during the school year, anyway. Church in the morning, a harried lunch and get down for naps routine after we get home, a few random chores done, then back we go to church for youth group. Feels pretty busy, all in all, but always seems to be a highlight to our weekend. Last night's youth group was particularly worthwhile...better, more meaningful topics being discussed...and the slideshow Brian and I put together from last summer's trip was shown at the beginning. Made us nostalgic for the trip...and even more convinced of how much the group means to us. Totally worth the head-ache each week of how to juggle doing it all with two little ones!

Mom and Dad come home from Seattle tonight, so I think I'll bring Benjamin with me to the airport to see "plane-zzzzs!!!":)

Jonathan's up, I think...time to skedaddle.

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