Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Getting ready!

Our buddies, Mark and Dina.
Brian and I are on our way to DC this weekend for yet another installment in the ongoing story of fun that is our friendship with these folks.
These pictures were taken during our trip to NYC for my 30th...and just thought I'd resurrect them for this week.
Getting so excited to go--and of course, there's the funny-ness in my tummy about leaving my boys. We've left Benjamin before for a long weekend (see pictures above! LOL), but haven't done so with Jonathan yet. However, I know that once we're on the plane...it will all be worth it. Brian and I will each order an adult beverage...he'll read the paper (which he loves, but only seems to find time for while on planes), and I'll catch up on an US Weekly, People, or let's face it---even an in-flight magazine. Anything that requires I not have a child pulling at my leg!
So yes, we'll set off on a weekend of just Meg and Brian time.
Even as I type that I start getting misty!
We need it.
This last year has been quite the busy one, and we're long overdue for some "couple time". We'll be spending time with our favorite friends, including a visit with my super-duper-good buddy Dawn, who also lives in DC.
Honestly? I think just getting through an airport without children is going to be like a trip to Fastasy Island...
Anyway, just wanted to pop on here with some excitement and anticipation for our trip...if you're reading, friends...here we come!:)


Stephanie said...

Ooooh, I'm jealous! Sounds like a great time. Jason and I are hanging in there until February, when we're going to escape for some couple time, too. Enjoy!

Ann said...

Have a GREAT time....getting away is always a time of mixed emotions...but after a drink (aka adult beverage) on the plane...or hey live big...have one in the airport--you will be well on your way to enjoying a weekend away!

Dina said...

"Getting ready?" Girl, I AM ready! Looking at those pictures brings back so many good memories, best of which probably occurred in the hotel room or in the lobby of aforementioned hotel! Anyway, I am jealous that you and Brian are getting "couple time," BUT feeling so honored that you're choosing to spend it with us! As always, we will party like rockstars, consume "adult beverages" like we're 18 again, laugh like it's going out of style, and make many new memories along the way. And who knows, if we find a nice green grassy Virginia knoll along the way, watch out - things may get a bit ugly. I hope neither one of us gets pregnant before Friday. Safe travels, CAN'T WAIT to see you, my friend!!!!

Dina said...

Btw, I was just taking another look at the pics you included in this post and noticed that all you can see in the first one is The Fab Four...and a cosmo! LOVE IT! Definitely has and always will be the fifth wheel in our relationship, right?! Perfect.

Sarah said...

So jealous! How much fun you shall have! I can't wait to get all the dirty details upon your return. Will I still see you tomorrow at library or on friday?

Dawn Word said...

Looking forward to seeing you guys! I have Lidia on deck for Sunday! Cannot wait! Dina & Mark - thanks for sharing! MWAH! :)