Monday, April 14, 2008

Never to be forgotten...

Wow, where to begin.
At this point, we are all just so overwhelmed from all of the excitement, momentum, and pure emotion of the past 4 days. And EXHAUSTED.
The wedding was beautiful, and the bride and groom even more so. Brian and I could hardly stop talking all the way home, and even as we went to bed last night, about all of the memorable aspects of the whole experience. Plenty of PLG moments with the boys (especially the ring bearer)...and funny moments...but none to be outdone by the number of meaningful, relationship-building ones. Not even sure if I'll ever to be able to articulate just how special this whole wedding "season" has been.
I'll surely have some sort of lengthy commentary, as usual, at some point...but for today I just need to make my way through the unpacking and massive amounts of laundry.
I also need to try and somehow be as much fun for my boys as their Uncle Paul, Uncle Mike, Muma and Grandpa have been for the past several days...surely not to be outdone.
We are so incredibly grateful for all of the memories...for now, here are just a few pictures.
You know, to start with.:)

To any Richards or Loitersteins:) that are reading this...we love you!


Dina said...

Congratulations, Denise and Paul!

And seriously, can Benjamin get ANY CUTER in his tux?! Can't wait for the "lengthy commentary" - I'm such a sucker! :)

Ann said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures...we have been thinking about you guys all weekend!!! First and foremost...Congrats to Denise and Paul--of course Denise was beautiful as ever. Love the green ties--especially on Benjamin...sooo cute! Can't wait to see the full on pictures of your dress Meg--but in the one of you and Benjamin it looked gorgeous...and so did you :-)

Will wait for more details about what sounded like a fabulous and meaningful time!