Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday Download

The following bits of randomness are exactly that: random.
Just don't have that cohesive flow going on today, know whatts I mean?

Last night I was thinking about my brother Chris during spin class. I'm really loving that class, and now that I have the shoes--it's like a new sport for me. And holy cow, I don't know a better ass-kicker in the cardio dept. Anyway, I was thinking, as I do every class about halfway through, about how difficult cycling is in contrast to how easy it looks. I have moments during the workout where I think I'm literally going to lose all lung capacity and my legs are going to burst into flames...and then, for some reason, I'm able to push myself even further.
Helps to have sweet music, too.
My usual Thursday night instructor is a sure bet in the music dept, but last night we had a sub. He was ok...some cheesey stuff mostly, but that stuff's the best for a workout sometimes, right? There's a country song (also played in Body Pump sometimes, so Dina--I'm sure you know it) called "Save a horse, ride a cowboy"...makes me giggle, but it's great for cardio.
But the best was at the end, when we had just finished what I thought was our last segment...a series of sprints. And then the instructor tells us that it's "time for our final climb" and to "turn it up to 100 percent"...if you know cycling/spin class, you know that's not good news when your tank top's soaking wet and your face is beet red.
But then the song kicks in, and it's "Where the Streets Have No Name" by U2...and that was all I needed. Totally found my groove and cranked it out.
So, Christopher, if you're reading this...I channeled not only your spirit of appreciation for that song, but also your intense skill at cycling. And at the end, as we were climbing to the very top of the hill, Bono was singing that line "and when I go there, I go there with you...", I pictured you right next to me.
Even as I was imagining it, I knew it was total cheese.
But dammit, it kinda rocked, too.
I think I get why you love that song so least in my own way.

Other randomness.
He's absolutely hilarious.
My neighbor friend Megan, and her two daughters, stopped by today while on a walk...right after lunch. I had just finished taking B's shirt off, as it was covered in ketchup and mustard. So he was just sportin track pants. Totally WT.
When they came to the front door, Benjamin burst out in front of me to go say hi to Annabell...his buddy (she's the same age). When he approached her, perched on her pink tricycle with pink tassles...he exclaimed, skinny, pasty-white arm gesturing toward her..."Oh, just look beautiful today!"
Killed me.
He also decided not to nap, but I wasn't aware of this fact until about 45 minutes into "nap time". I'd showered right after putting the boys down, made my way downstairs to check some email and start this blog...cleaned the kitchen a bit, and then hear a noise from his room. I went up there and saw his covers askew on the bed, and no Benjamin. That right there practically made me laugh, but I had to pretend to be serious. Then, I look to my right and see his closet door cracked open just the tiniest bit...but enough to see one of those big, round, Precious-Moment eyes staring out at me.
When he saw my smirk give way to a giggle, he stepped out proudly and said, "You know what, Mommy? I don't think it's a good nappers today."
To which, I replied, "No...I think you're right."
But perhaps the number one reason for my positive attitude was the fact that I knew it meant early to bed.
And on a Friday night, especially one that I've been anxious to enjoy with my hubby and NO PLANS, it's a good thing.

So, off we'll go to Meijer later (I know you just love that part, makes you so happy to read it, doesn't it?!), then hit Jersey Junction on foot...and settle in for early bedtime...and mommy/daddy beverages.

Last bit of randomness:
Jonathan is patting the front of his pants every time he poops lately and announcing to me, "Poo!...Poo!"
We're in the midst of potty training Benjamin...and it's going slow as hell. I'm starting to think Jonny's gonna sneak up and take the lead on this one.



Dina said...

Yea, that part about how you think it's the end of a spin class and then the instructor says, "Ok team, only 2 more songs!" you're supposed to be excited or something. First of all, I HATE when they call us "team" - there is absolutely no teamwork about sorry ass is the only one that makes my bike go... And second, 2 more songs?! Yea, I hear ya, sister. But damn, doesn't it feel so good when it's over? Sounds like you got an awesome workout. Way to go!
And the part about Benjamin peeking out from his closet - TOO CUTE!
p.s. Enjoy those "mommy/daddy beverages" this evening...I know I will! I think we both have earned it this weekend! :)

Ann said...

Love the randomness....Back in the day when I actually taught spinning....Chris encouraged me to use "Where the Streets have No Name" as you guessed it....a final hill climb/sprint at the very end set....and it always did the trick! Here's to a great a.m. workout, fun times with the boys and of course beveraging mommy and daddy style this evening!

Ann said...

oops just re-read that spin wasn't this a.m. but last night...oh well cheers to spin class whenever it is!

ctadhankins said...

I am SO feeling that with you from spin class. I'm glad you channeled me at that moment. I would have done the same, in fact, I do whenever that song comes on.
At the end of my first EGR triathlon, I began to hum that song about 1 mile from the finish line..... it was like I injected my self with drugs. It literally swept me to the line and felt amazing. Music's wonderful, huh?
Now, if the weather would just break for good and I could get out on the road on my bike instead of stare at the tv in the basement on the trainer!
Love you!

Sarah said...

God I love the Richard's family Friday nights...I think of you every Friday at about 4 p.m...wondering if you're heading out. Wondering what you and B will be drinking later...wondering why I am not joining you. Oh wait - that just got creepy. You know what I mean...
Great work at spin...hard core Johnson! That is why I think you look like you've lost 3-5 lbs. every time I see you! ha ha...