Saturday, August 9, 2008

"Tractors, diggers and trucks, oh my!"

We are in Springfield this weekend.
And you know what? I seriously have grown to love it here. There was a time, as there likely is for most married folk, where traveling to your in-laws is more an effort born of obligation than anything else. But I can safely say it's become one of my favorite places to visit...especially with the boys.
I'm a bit hungover this morning, which is a testament to our usual late-night debauchery.
The boys are completely worn out from playing in the backyard, romping around with the neighbor kids are their sweet ride-on toys, being tackled, tickled and tossed around by their Uncle Mike...and are overall just stinkin happy to be at Muma and Grandpa's. As we turned the corner onto their street yesterday afternoon, Benjamin started pumping his fists into the air triumphantly and yelling "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!! I can't wait to hug Muma!!!"


When they wake up from their naps in a bit we're off to the State Fair...and oh, what a scene that's going to be. Farm animals galore, fatty foods, farm equipment (que the Benjamin gape-mouthed expression), kiddie rides...and to be sure, no forseeable shortage of mullets.
Always the mullets.

And as if my stomach wasn't already in agony from last night's Buffalo Wild Wings and drinking extravaganza...I'm about to further the case for Mylanta by shoving down a few elephant ears, funnel cakes, and --you guessed it-- Bud Lights.
Lest I forget to mention the beer tent at the fair.:)

I will say, proudly, that I ran 3 miles this morning (shout-out here to my sister in law, Ann, who taught me how to use this site). So perhaps that's easing my guilt a bit.
Shhyeah. Whatever.

Off I go...more gossip to dish about with my mother-in-law.
Love it.

1 comment:

Dina said...

So glad you had a good time! I'm so happy for you that you enjoy your time there now. That's great for everyone involved, especially the boys. Awesome.