Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You Know You're in an Economic Crisis when:

1. You mumble outloud in the grocery aisle when noticing price jumps on products.

2. You save and wrap up the last 4 or 5 bites of your toddler's mac and cheese (gluten free is pricey, so cut me a break).

3. Decisions about plans and what to do over the weekend involve the PLG "is it worth the cost of gas?" conversation.

4. You notice, for the first time, other people putting products back on the shelves after carrying them around in their cart and then deciding against them (thought it was just me and my gourmet cheeses).

5. Starbuck's ground coffee is regularly on sale at DandW.

6. You drink crappy wine...not all the time...but you do it. And you don't care.

7. You consider how important all of of your child's prescriptions are...and then buy them anyway.

8. You marvel at the fact that your bottle of vodka is "the same price it is at Costco, honey!!!" as it is at your local Rite Aid. But don't get too excited, the Huggies Pull-Ups will literally reach out and snatch your paycheck.

9. After years of worshipping Bill Maher, you cancel your HBO.

10. You make PLG lists on your blog about money woes.

Uggghhh...can we just elect a Democrat already?
(that was, incidentally, my first title for this post)

That's all.


Ann said...

At least...Jesus is your friend...you have a friend in Jesus...lol!

Sarah said...

If there's one sayin' I use regularly it's, "We're not rich, so we don't have HBO."
For realz, yo...

Stephanie said...

So true. For the past year or two, I have been so annoyed with my parents whenever they have launched into the whole "gas is too expensive for us to drive _____" conversation; sadly, I am now catching myself saying it, too. PLG.