Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Things I Never Imagined Myself Doing:

1. Hosting a political event in my living room.

2. Carrying a manic 2yr old upside down, screaming and covered in blue paint (set out for pre-schoolers) out of my older child's pre-school class.

3. Shopping at grocery with said paint on my own shirt.

4. Asking my garbage man if he's registered to vote.

5. Planning a Halloween costume for myself that is sure to make me look homely, frumpy and completely heinus.

6. Turning in two separate pictures (one of me with Benjamin, the other of Brian and the boys) to Benjamin's pre-school teachers on "family picture" day, when I couldn't seem to dig up a picture of our entire family together. PLG.
Could that look more like a divorced family?

7. Frantically placing buckets and towels underneath my kitchen island light fixture...that was spewing water like Old Faithful after the boys flooded the upstairs bathroom.
(Reason for no blog entry that day: too many titles from which to choose)

8. Buying Halloween decorations for my house. (I swear I'll never buy a sweater, though)

9. Watching more news than reality tv.

10. Letting my kids eat popsicles at 10:30 in the morning.

So I guess you could say I've been busy lately. Happy? Of course. Frantic? Always. I had just watched a heartwarming movie on HBO Sunday night, after telling my husband that I didn't want any conversation...just wanted to veg and not talk to anybody. Anyway, I watched this wonderful movie and went to bed completely motivated to wake up with positive energy for my boys. In reality, I do this every day...but lately they've been pushing me right to the edge and over ten-thousand feet. So I wake up, make a great breakfast and fill my coffee cup...and...we're an hour and a half into our day when I get a phone call and decide--God forbid--to answer it. I chat with my girlfriend for a bit and as expected, mayhem ensues. Oh, I should add something here:

11. Yelling at my kids while on the phone with a friend. I swore up and down and every which way around the barn that I would NEVER do that one.

So they scurry upstairs, where the possibilities for mischief are endless, but I've got them pegged for playing in B's room and dancing to the b-ball hoop music (when the ball goes through the hoop, music and cheering erupts...but they've taken to just hitting the button without even introducing a ball into the equation...and dancing like total jack-a**es.....Yup, I said it...).
The amount of time they're upstairs is less than enough for me to even pee, pour another cup of coffee or fold an ounce of laundry.
But when I get upstairs, I find Jonny standing on the toilet and Benjamin on the stool...each of them laughing in hysterics (yet Benjamin, with a hint of foreboding when he sees me)...and me...up to my ankles in water. The sink is flowing over with water and flooding all over the floor...and out onto the carpeted upstairs hallway.

And I thought I wasn't going to blog about that one.
At any rate, I'll leave it at that. Except to add that we now have a new strip of yellowish-orange on our kitchen ceiling from the literal geyser that sprang forth over our light fixture.
Good times!

I mean this when I say that my life these days seems to be bringing with it, on a daily basis, situations I never deemed myself equipped with which to deal.
But somehow I'm getting helps. Yoga REALLY helps.
And so does Pinot Noir. And friends...and Obama parties.:)
And a new, inspiring, thought-provoking, intellectually and socially relevant minister at church.

Life's pretty incredible, actually.
Just kinda wet sometimes.

And always nearing cocktail hour at warp speed.

Edited to add the following:
12. Paying $150 for allergy prescriptions.

New president, anyone?

1 comment:

Michael said...

HaHa!!! Never though your would be swimming in the upstairs bathroom.

By the way, Happy belated Birthday!