Monday, September 8, 2008

"Be the Change"

So proud of my brother Jon.

As of yesterday afternoon, he is in Uganda (in Africa) on a goodwill mission through his local Rotary organization. He'll be gone until late September, and I miss being able to hear his voice already. But I know that even in the last 24 hours he's already experienced the kinds of things that are hard to put into words...perspective gaining, eye-opening...and truly life-changing.

As I said over a "toast" at dinner with my family last Saturday night, Jon never does anything in a small way. Growing up, I don't think any of us imagined he'd be the one to take such huge leaps...but as I've come to realize, as I'm sure the rest of my family has, he is the kind of person that chooses adversity (and sometimes even conflict, really) in the most deliberate order to be sure that he's truly coming to terms with his own kind of truth. He's flawed and imperfect, yes...but is easily one of the most inspiring people I know at the same time. Going to great lengths to broaden his world view...that's Jon. Never makes things simple for himself, to be certain.

And this isn't to say that any of the rest of us aren't able to be effective in smaller, less-noticeable fact, I know that's not true at all. I'm proud of anyone in my family who gets out there to make a difference. I just know that for Jon, this wasn't an easy decision.

I know that, because I just spent a few days of real quality time with him...and I'm so grateful.

Anyway, hats off to you Jon...whatever you're doing right now, I'm thinking about you and love you lots!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"...this most famous quote seems awfully fitting today.


Dina said...

Wish I had the opportunity to get to know Jon better - I have a feeling he and I would really get along.
And p.s. - he's a hottie! :)

ctadhankins said...

Damn, Dina- I was enjoying the comment until the last part! Not I have a serious case of the willies. Thanks..