Friday, September 19, 2008

Just in case you were wondering...

...if I have moments of sheer bliss and happiness with my boys...I do.

Today has been such a great day from the start, so it's best to get at my blog before things change!
Woke up this morning to a few moments of total hilarity:

*Benjamin woke up first, calling out that his pull-up was wet. I went into his room and said "good morning", the whole routine...and helped him take off his wet bottoms. He proceeded to head downstairs bare-bottomed, while I slipped into the upstairs bathroom real quick to pee. I heard Jonny stirring, but he wasn't noisy yet, so I just called out "Morning, Jonny! Be there in a minute, Bud!"
I'm peeing (sorry Shawn), and I look over to my right, and what occured in the next few moments is exactly as follows (no, I mean NO exaggeration):
Jonathan's door opens...and out he walks, casually, dragging his blanket like Linus...and scratching the back of his head.
That's right. Got himself out of his crib.
What's possibly the funniest part of this is that I never even heard him climbing out. He was completely nonchalant about the whole thing, barely acknowledging me when he walked out into the hallway and saw me sitting on the potty.
My eyes were as big as saucers...I'm honestly not sure when I've been that surprised.

*Just then, as I'm marveling at this latest feat of monkey-dom on Jonny's part...I hear a cupboard open and slam shut downstairs, as Benjamin calls out:
"Mommm-aay! Mommm-aaay! We're out of pull-ups!"

So hilarious.
Only topped, maybe, by the comment in the car yesterday while driving home from pre-school.

"How was pre-school today, Bud? What'd you guys do? Anything exciting?" I ask.

(in Benjamin hanger pulling on the corner of his mouth voice) "Ehhh...naa...Mommy, you don't have to worry bout me. I was just hangin out."

But perhaps, the most adorable and endearing...right after lunch, as I was cleaning up the rice off the floor, Benjamin came up and hugged me in the most genuine, unassuming, non-attention-seeking way. Just quietly, and totally unprovoked.
I made one of my "oh, I just love you!" noises and Benjamin says to me:
"Mommy, you are just the most special child and I love you, ok?"

Divine interventioin, to be sure.
I'm certain of it.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Favorite part: Jonny being "casual" upon exiting his room.

I made Jason read this one; it's a classic.