Thursday, March 6, 2008

On Demand

I'm not really sure how much I love this feature of our cable tv.
Being able to have a kiddy show on just when you need it is truly wonderful...but having your child expect it is another thing. I feel like it's just yet another example of the McDonaldizing of our culture. Immediacy. No waiting. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
But...*yawn*'s 9am, and therefore a bit early for social commentary.

We had a wonderful time with Benjamin's birthday last weekend, and I'll be sure to post all the fluff from that once I download the pics. Certain things, like that, have just fallen by the wayside this week with Brian gone. He's back from Phoenix, my sanity is restored.
Sort of.
Not really sure if that will truly happen anytime soon.
Anyway, Brian had a good trip and got lots of shmoozing and networking under his belt at the YAY Brian. Happy for him, honestly. But can I admit that I'm secretly most happy about the LLBean tote bag he brought home? So what if it has his company's logo on it...sister loves herself a tote.
This is me, in the kitchen when he got home at midnight: "Really? A golf outing? You chatted with who? Oh, that's great...and the weather? Yeah...I bet that felt nice...HOLY SHIT?! Is that a TOTE BAG?!? Eh, were saying? Yeah, sounds like a great trip."
He carried on about the worthwhile-ness of his trip whilst I envisioned all the wonderful places this new bag will go with me and the boys.

Seriously, I need to get out.

Well, gotta run.
Time for Miss Margarrrrret, and there's a fight breaking out at the train table.
So much for blog I said, on demand.

Time to rock out.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Immediate photo request of tote, please.