Monday, January 14, 2008

What do eggs, broccoli and rice have in common?

Our dinner tonight.:)

It's funny what happens when you haven't been to the grocery yet for the week.
My challenge was, as usual, to find something that they both could eat...given Jonny's allergies. But the greater obstacle here was what our fridge and pantry had to offer.
I felt somewhat pleased with the ingredients, but as I started to put them together...felt differently.
Here's what I started out with:

steamed broccoli (organic--do I get points for that???)
shredded cheese
brown rice
eggs (also organic--am I rockin out or what?!?)

Benjamin loves "cheesey rice", as we call it...which is when I combine brown rice, cheese, and shredded chicken into a dish. So when I woke him from his nap, I announced we were having "cheesey rice"...and then under my breath, mentioned that instead of chicken, he'd be having eggs. Waa-waaaa (insert "disappointment" noise from Three's Company here).

Anyway, I mixed up the eggs, cheese, rice and broccoli for them both (Jonny's minus the egg whites-can life get more high maintenance round here???)....and served it up.

Benjamin even paused halfway through, mouth full of food and fork held high in the air, "Mommy, it's gooood!"
I was laughing so hard at how happy they were...and as I packaged up the leftovers in tupperware, I noted how much of a resemblance this concoction had to a compost pile...and this made me laugh even harder.
But you know what? I tried a bite...and damn, shit was good.

Anyway, this has me thinking. I'd love to know what kind of unspeakable randomness happens in my friends' kitchens. When you haven't gone to Meijer yet and all you have is garbonzo beans, salsa and maybe some frozen veggies. That kind of desperation!
And while I do strive to have lovely, wholesome meals each night for my family (in my next life I'll be Stephanie Doublestein!), there are just some nights where it doesn't happen.

So fess up, fellow blogger friends!:)
I know you have a few, too, Steph--or at least I hope! (insert smiley face nervously biting nails here)


Sarah said...

Our rule of thumb...everything tastes better wrapped in a tortilla with cheese! Leftover meat, random deli salami...ha!

Ann said...

The girls dinner tonight....jelly sandwiches (b/c they wouldn't eat the soy butter I got)(which by the way mixed with jelly almost tastes like peanut butter--if you try real hard to forget the soybean aftertaste :-).... and green waaay worse than your dinner...however we can't do cheese anything with Addie and no the rice would have been yummy!!! After posting this I'm realizing just how crappy our dinner was and how awesome the boys was.....ahhhh there is always tomorrow!!!

Stephanie said...

Hahahahhahahahahhahaha! So ironic - I'm just up here getting ready to write a new post, which was going to be along the lines of how dinner at our house has become so ridiculously unmanageable and culminated in me totally losing my shit with Annie on Friday night. Jason was so alarmed at my rage that we have scheduled a week of "Steph feeds the girls random nutritionless kid food at 4:55 p.m. each day and then Jason and Steph eat a normal, relaxed dinner at 7:30 or 8:00 without children." My frustrations . . . children refusing to eat things they have eaten 999 times before, Jemma whining/urgently screaming throughout the meal, sweating to produce said meal from 4:30 - 5:30 each day while children climb me and then tapping my foot impatiently if Jason is one minute late getting home from work . . . I digress. And I apparently posted my post right here on your blog. Your dinner sounds lovely and nutritious in spite of your lack of groceries; I'm not such a great improviser and I really need a recipe. Good job, Meg!