Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Early bird...

gets the pre-school class!
So there ridiculously early yesterday and ended up being first in line! Was a long afternoon, but made a new buddy and hung out with several old ones, while we watched the line grow 50plus people deep. Crazy! But so happy bout our schedule for next year...teachers...pals in the class...everything.
Thanks Mom for hanging out on Santa Cruz while I waited!

Brian's off to Chicago and Minneapolis as of yesterday, returning tomorrow.
Feeling tough and ready to rock it out...

Finishing up breakfast--boys got up at 9am???!!! Freaks.
Off to Miss Treeaaassshhh in about an hour.

Good day!

1 comment:

Ann said...

What a great morning! Congrats on the preschool class....hard to believe Addie and Benjamin are going to be preschoolers....Addie got signed up last week and is soooo excited to be going to school like Clare Bear! Have a good day/night being a solo parent!