Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jonathan Christopher

Oh, my sweet, sweet boy...I cannot believe you are 3. And yet, in many ways...holy cow, I can't believe it's only been three years since you came into our lives.
Each day with you--as has been well-documented--is an adventure. From the very start, jusy by being you...you changed things. Made us more of a complete family...gave Benjamin a brother and me--your mommy--a whole new experience with raising a boy. I cannot begin to describe the ways in which I'm grateful for what you've brought to our lives...and to me.
But most of all, I'm grateful just to know you. To be able to witness all the changing you do on a daily--and often moment to moment--basis.
You are, without a doubt, fearless. Determined, full of energy, a bit accident-prone (cough, cough), fast, unbelievably curious, and truly unpredictable...you are a force to be reckoned with, dear Jonny. And yet it's what I love about you. I love how much you keep me on my toes...I love how even when I roll my eyes at the latest "stunt" you've pulled, catastrophe you've caused, or sheer fool you've made of me(as I've run down the street screaming after you)...I love that in those same moments I'm smiling on the inside, proud of the spitfire you are. Proud of your spunk, your will, and your true tenaciousness.

But most of all, I am in awe of your spirit.
Each day I spend with you I marvel at your positivity...how "up" you are for anything that comes your way, and how quick you are to recover from set-backs. I am endlessly proud of the compassion you've learned, the sensitivity you feel and, of course, your undeniable sense of humor.
I love that even when your brother is teasing you mercilessly, taking your toys, or simply bossing you around...that you refuse to stay beaten down and insist on hugging it out with him and kissing his cheek. Even when he's still miles away from forgiving himself.

Your sense of strength is, and was from day one, obvious to me...and I am beyond grateful for that. But what I am most grateful for is the love you have for yourself and others...and how freely you let it shine.

You have magic eyes, and I've told you this many times. From the first time I laid my own eyes on them...they danced. And they continue to give away exactly who you are...to anyone who takes even a moment to notice. Your heart is always on the surface, and I imagine it always will be...right there--open and giving and honest.

You are a treasure, Jonny...and I love you with all my heart.

To the moon and back, Bubbas.:)

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