Thursday, November 20, 2008

Don't cry over spilled milkshake.

Today we went out for lunch with my mom, right after preschool.
Both boys were in rare form. Jonathan was on a music-high from Miss Michelle's class (and pure lack of sleep adrenalin--ask me bout THAT madness later), and Benjamin was all hopped up on post-preschool giddyness.

Both boys have milkshakes...which spells trouble, no matter what. But just when I decide not to watch Benjamin with his chocolate shake--sans lid or straw--he reaches for the ginormous menu off the table and knocks the whole shake over...spilling across the table, and into my mom's and my lap. She and I quickly react, cleaning it up, and I say "'ve got to watch what you're doing!"....and here's HIS reaction, totally non-plussed, totally hidden behind the menu and studying it closely:
"Hmm...sorry, guys. I just had to see what was on the menu here."

Sorry, guys? You've got to be kidding me...I want to burst out laughing, but don't. My mom and I just stare with big eyes at eachother and try not to laugh.

Waitress comes over and asks if we need more napkins, which is when Benjamin decides to peer out of one side of the menu (picture Ward Cleaver, saying something to "The Beav" while reading the paper) and says to the waitress, in his ever-famous and hilarious drawl:
"Yeah...I kinda made a mess there. But they're cleaning it up. We got it."

Loved it.
Not the world's best behavior from a 3 year old in a restaurant, but you gotta give him points for style. And besides, I blame the spillage skillz on his daddy.
That one had Brian's name written ALL over it.

Meanwhile, Jonathan's face is so submerged into his cup of vanilla milkshake, that there's a ring around his face when he pulls it grin, huge laugh...and sheer delight in his ice cream treat.
That one had his MOMMY written all over it.:)

1 comment:

Dina said...

DYING at this post for so many reasons! Benjamin's reaction, Jonny's face, but most of all the image of you and your mom staring at each other all wide-eyed and such - can TOTALLY picture that!!!
p.s. Tell Margi I miss her too! :)