Monday, October 20, 2008

The Secret Life of Boys

Yesterday I saw one of the best movies I've seen in a long time...well, who am I kidding--I hardly ever GO to movies! But for what it's worth, "The Secret Life of Bees" is definitely worth seeing. And no, I have not read the book...and in some ways was able to imagine the parts in the movie where more subtext would've made it that much more meaningful...but in the end, I suppose I was blissfully unaware.

A great movie.

I highly recommend.

As for my boys, well...the following happened as I was giving them baths before bedtime last night:

(both boys playing happily in the tub while I wash my face and straighten up the bathroom)

Benjamin: "Jonny, watch! Do this!!" (B proceeds to stand up in tub and begin smacking his belly, dangerously close to the goods, with the greatest of vigor)

Jonathan: "Ha, ha...okayy!" (copies B, and hilarity between the two of them immediately ensues...they are both whackin away at their junk and laughing hysterically)

Me (feeling a bit intrusive all of a sudden): "Ok..." (and with that I leave the room to fold laundry in bedroom for a minute, where I begin to overhear the rest...)

Benjamin: "Jonny, if you want to get clean and all soapy you have to get sit...ok, Jonny? You have to sit down."

Jonathan: "Nnnno!"

Benjamin: *yelling* "Mommmeeee! Jonny hit me!!"

Me (at door of bathroom again): "Jonathan, keep your hands to yourself, Buddy...and Benjamin, don't order him around so much!" (all very effective, as usual)

Benjamin: "Jonny, you can't hit me...ok, Jonny? You can't hit. That's what I'm telling you." (Benjamin repeats this statement when he realizes how much his brother is not paying attention to him...and just when B starts to get frustrated...)

Jonathan: "Benny, hug?" (PLG impromptu hug erases all animosity...both boys make the "ahhh" noise and giggle)

Jonathan: "Benny, key-assss?" (PLG impromptu smooch...for realz.)

Benjamin: "Mommy, we're don't need to be in here. I'm not so naughty to Jonny anymore. Go be with Daddy in his office."

So glad they had it under control.


ctadhankins said...

What a hilarious exchange! They kill me.
Can't wait to see them next week!

Sarah said...

ha ha....that is a goody!

Dina said...

Too freakin' cute. Everything about it - from the picture at the beginning to Bubby's last comment. So glad they worked it out themselves. :)