Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Integrating the content areas"

That's what we call, in teaching, when you integrate one subject into the teaching of another. For example, practicing how to spell and learn the meaning of math terms. Or using music to teach science.
Embracing the "multiple intelligences".

Anyway. Care much? Didn't think so.
But it seems Jonny is doing this with his gymnastics and music skills.

Sitting in our circle in our Music Together class this morning, we were all shaking egg-sized maracas in our hands and mimicing the instructor's rhythm...a feisty Latin beat was the teacher's choice today (Mommy's hips were moving, even as I sat with J in my lap). Anyway, so at the end of the song, we all follow the teacher's lead and plunk our maracas down on the padded, colorful floor right on the final beat.
And this is when Jonny jumps to his feet, bends over and does a somersault right into the center of the circle...stands up and pumps his fists in the air and shouts "Ta-Daaa!"

No joke.
I almost peed.
And as you might imagine, it was a total hit. Except when J realized how much of a success this stunt was, he attempted to do somersaults at random times throughout the session.
Not so appropriate during the "skipping in a circle" segment.

Have I mentioned how much I love this kid?
He is a bona fide handful of craziness and impulsivity...but such a bright and present spirit.

I adore you, Jonny C.
Thank you for teaching me the importance of integrating gymnastics into music.
Or, as it might be in your case, a little bit of theater into a group setting.

Hmm...whose side do you get this from?

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