Thursday, October 1, 2009

"You Can Help Yourself..."

Can't say this isn't the motto in our house...but wow, pretty funny when it comes from your 4 yr old.

Benjamin and Wyatt are currently playing restaurant--well, Benjamin's working at a McDonald's (with the McD cash register in his lap) and Wyatt's working at the local grocery store (Jonathan's new grocery register in his lap).
Both boys are sitting next to eachother on the couch, which makes me wonder who's going to actually get the food prepared...or bought. But I play along anyway...

Walking up, on my knees, to Benjamin I say: "I'd like 3 cheeseburgers, two chicken nuggets, 4 fries and 3 drinks." I'm pretty hungry, after all.
Plugging the info into his register, he repeats my order like a pro...wonder if he's heard this done before somewhere.

"Anything else!?" he asks.
"Nope, that'll be it, sir!" I say.
Transaction of money and niceties follows...including a friendly "Have a nice day" from Benjamin.

I sit, expectantly, waiting.

"Mommy, that's person is waiting!"

"But what about my food, Bud? Where's my food??" I say.

Wyatt looks at Benjamin, then me, then back at Benjamin...

Benjamin shoots his arm up, waves his hand in a circular motion, gesturing toward the play kitchen area.
"You can just help's open!"

Can't say I don't love the hospitality of said kitchen...but I think we need to sharpen our "playing restaurant" skills.
Clare and Addie would be good right about now...they are PROS.

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