Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"I'm still alive"

Yes, sung in your best Eddie Veder voice.

For many reasons, this particular statement applies.
The following have played a role in holding me hostage from my blog. I'm not saying they make sense, are justifiable, or even dignified...I'm just trying to maintain full disclosure.
(as though that's ever been a problem for me)

1. Holiday chaos fallout
2. Husband's travel...and my subsequent emotional fallout
3. Facebook (yup--totally undignified)
4. Slack-ass-ness
5. Book I got for Christmas--Audacity of Hope--wanting to finish before next Tuesday...I'm a slow reader
6. Video I'm putting together for youth group Pasta Dinner
7. General Blog apathy
8. More slack-assedness (had to have an even number in my list...totally O.C.D.)
9. Benjamin not napping as much--too tired at night to Blog
10. Meijer...? Ok, this so isn't a good reason, but I needed to end my list with an even "10" things, and we all know Meijer works when nothing else does. At least it does in our family.

Peace out.


Michael said...

Was wondering where you were.

ctadhankins said...

Hey, it's Vedder, not Veder.
Figured I would chime in before Jon does!
I hear ya on the blog apathy.
Facebook has sucked my will to live. Plus, I really don't have to have anything worthwhile to say on that site.
Plus, it's fucking cold out. We're just dealing.