Monday, December 17, 2007

"Christmas is coming!"

Yesterday Benjamin said to Brian:
"Where's Christmas, Daddy?" to which Brian said:
"Well, it's not here yet, Buddy...but it's coming!"

Benjamin then runs and grabs Ted (his teddy) and heads for the front window of the house. When he gets there, he props Ted up at the window and says "Look, Ted! Christmas is coming! It's so exciting!!"
Soo couldn't get any cuter.

But it does.
After reading bedtime stories last night, again with Brian, Benjamin asks him to sing "the sunshine song" Brian makes his best attempt at "You are My Sunshine", the song I've been singing to B since the night he was born.
After the first verse, B looks at Brian and says.
"I'm a dear, Daddy...I'm a dear."

If you sing the first verse in your head, you'll get it.:)

Had enough?
Last story.
And this one's just plain hysterical.

Not minutes ago, as I'm cleaning up the lunch mess in the kitchen, Benjamin starts to sing the "We are the Dinosaurs" song...a Laurie Berkner fave in this house. but only a close second to the ever-popular "Victor Vito".
But anyway...
I'm at the sink and I honest-to-God hear the following coming from the tv room:
(and if you know the song, try to imagine the beat...and the emphasis on each syllable)
"We are the dinosaurs, marching, marching,
We are the dinosaurs, we stink at that!
We are the dinosaurs, marching, marchiiiing!
We are the dinosaurs, we make the earth FAT.
We make the earth FAT."

I seriously started laughing out loud so hard he came running into the kitchen to see what was wrong with me! So when I told him I was just laughing at his silly song, he got all proud and decided to give it another go 'round for my benefit, this time serenading me right there at the island in the kitchen.
"Mommy! We are the dinosaurs, we stink at that! Hahahah...we stink at that! We're fat!"

That's all I really got today, folks.
I mean, seriously...what more could a mom ask for, right?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

All three stories are hysterical and adorable! I had heard that B was really blossoming . . . and apparently it is true!

p.s. - We love Victor Vito here, too! And when I say "we," I mean myself as well. So freakily catchy!