Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How many ways...

can you cook chicken?

Ever since we learned about Jonny's allergies, cooking meals--not to mention grocery shopping in general--has become a real challenge. In some ways I've enjoyed it, because it's caused me to get out of my rut with our meals...but lately I feel like I'm stuck in yet another one.
With chicken.
Naturally I'm trying to do more meat for protein, since he can't have eggs...but the wheat one is really the hardest! I bought some gluten-free products last week, and so far he's in love with the cereal...but I'm still working on him with the tortillas.
That's where the chicken comes in!
I made chicken quesadillas over the weekend...and by the way, folks...those tortillas aren't half bad! Brian and Benjamin gobbled them up just fine. I think Jonathan was just a little put off by the crunchiness.
Anyway, besides that, it's been every possible variation on chicken you can imagine. With brown rice (can't have white), by itself on the grill, browned in the skillet with veggies...and at the moment I'm poaching chicken, as well.
We do turkey burgers, garden burgers, etc...but holy shit, I feel like we just bought that moster-sized bag of frozen chicken breasts from Costco yesterday, and we're already nearing the end of the bag.

Just my thoughts for today.
Rather boring, I'm sure...and far less scandalous.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Aren't food allergies fun?!?! We are doing fairly well with the no milk, cheese thing and thankfully the Dr. said she could have things wih eggs in them like cake,etc....I do have a friend who has a little boy who is allergic to tons of stuff...I will let you know if she has any yummy suggestions....there is a lot you can do with soy that fills the protein gap and doesn't taste 1/2 bad....hang in there :-)